Saturday, September 09, 2017

WWF-Myanmar sounds alarm about illegal wildlife trade

Trafficking of wild animals continues to haunt Myanmar despite attempts to curb the crimes, and experts warn that the trend could damage animal populations if it goes unchecked.

WWF-Myanmar raised the alert over the intensified illegal wildlife trade in the country, which targets pangolins, bears and elephant skin.

Cases are on the rise – 28 cases led to arrests in 2013 and 34 last year. So far this year, 24 cases have been reported through August, according to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation.

Dr Sapai Min, project manager for illegal wildlife trade for WWF-Myanmar, warned about widespread illegal wildlife trading in the border towns of Tachileik and Mong La that mostly thrive on wildlife species found in the country.

“I had been to Tachileik and Mong La three or four times. I went to Mong La early this year. When I went there in 2015, there were 15 places selling wildlife products. This year, there are already 42 markets for the illegal wildlife trade. This could greatly damage wildlife in Myanmar,” she cautioned.

WWF-Myanmar is seeking to minimise, if not completely eradicate, the illegal wildlife trading in Mong La  in cooperation with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, as well as law enforcement agencies, such as the police and customs department.

Dr Sapai Min noted an increase in the demand for both elephant and tiger skins, as well as for pangolins and bears.

“We can see as many as 20 pairs of hands of bears in Kyihteeyo Pagoda,” Dr Sapai Min said. “In the not so distant future bears will become rare and endangered species in the country.”

Mong La is a notorious place for illegal wildlife trading in Myanmar border with China and authorities have found it very difficult to control the illegal wildlife trade in the area.

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