Monday, July 03, 2017

Hmaw Yaw Gyi elephants draw thousands of visitors

Over 4,000 local and foreign visitors visited Hmaw Yaw Gyi elephant camp in Kyauktaga Township in Bago Region during the past 10 months.

The new elephant reserve is situated one mile away from Mile Post 105/4 on the Bago Region highway. The elephant-based tourism camp was opened on World Elephants’ Day, 12 August 2016.
The elephant park is one of Myanmar’s most popular destinations. Bago Region is home to four major elephant reserves including Kyein Ni, Khayu Chaung, Thingan Myaung and Hmaw Yaw Gyi elephant camps. Among the four elephant camps, the Hmaw Yaw Gyi has been chosen as a tourist destination and opened to spectators.

Hmaw Yaw Gyi is home to 25 elephants. Visitors can also greet and ride some of the elephants. On an average public holiday, about 90 people visit Hmaw Yaw Gyi. Myanmar nationals pay an entrance fee of Ks1,000 and Ks5,000 for elephant-riding. Foreign tourists are charged Ks20,000 each for entrance fees and elephant riding at the Hmaw Yaw Gyi elephant camp.

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